Setting up a new Tip Up

Brendan Herbert Tip Up Setup - step 1 rigging your tip for ice fishing.

Brendan Herbert Tip Up Setup – step 1 rigging your tip for ice fishing.

I just got my first tip up and am really excited to try it out. My dad says using tip ups is really fun so I am excited to try mine.

The first step to setting up a tip up is to unpack it and tie on the line. I tied it on really well to make sure the line does not come loose. Then, I reeled on a whole bunch of line until the spool was almost full. Next, I cut the line and slid on the line marker.

Tip up setup rigging step 2 - tying on your Arnold freeze proof line

Tip up setup rigging step 2 – tying on your Arnold freeze proof line

The line marker looks like a little ice fishing bobber. I plan to use it as a depth finder so when the fishing is crazy I don’t have to keep re-checking how deep the water is. Once the line marker is on, I tied the line to the barrel swivel end of the leader. Below this is a weight and a few bright beads, then below them is another barrel swivel, and a longer leader, leading up to a snap swivel.

The rigging kit came with a big, sharp hook and I attached that to the snap swivel. Once it was all done, I reeled most of the line in, folded the tip up back in place, and then wrapped the extra around the rest of the tip up so nobody gets hooked and I don’t snag things. I also plan to spray down the entire rig with scent killing spray because I am experimenting to find out how much fish use their noses when deciding to bite something.

Ice fishing tip up setup step 3 - Brendan Herbert's completed rig

Ice fishing tip up setup step 3 – Brendan Herbert’s completed rig

Go to to find out more. Also, Stay tuned to see my results. Be safe and happy fishing!

Filed Under: FeaturedIce Fishing Tips


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