By Team Stopper on Oct 06, 2015 with Comments 0
This walleye fell for a vertical jigged Yukon Shiner, perch color.
Here’s a tip for guys that love to vertically jig for walleyes! The Yukon Shiner Jigging Minnow is a must in everyone’s boat. When you find walleyes stacked up on a break, hole or rock pile and you want to stay on top of them, try the Yukon Shiners! No bait required!
Just let the Shiner fall to the bottom. Once it hits jig it up about a foot and let it free fall back to the bottom. The walleyes will hit it on the way down. When you go to jig it again and it feels heavy, SET THE HOOK!! FISH ON!!!
Tons of Walleye anglers love this style of fishing and you don’t get so bored in the boat just dragging crawlers around.
Sitka Yukon Shiners come two per pack in 5 colors and sizes, all with glow bellies.
The Yukon Shiners come in five great colors and five sizes. All have glow bellies.
Next time you’re fishing Walleyes, give the Yukon Shiners a try. You’ll be glad you did.
Filed Under: Featured • Ice Fishing Tips • Walleye
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